Plasma Source for basic studies and plasma applications:
Capacitively and inductively coupled plasma source, ultra high-frequency plasma sources, hybrid plasma source, magnetron plasma source, dielectric barrier discharge source, atmospheric pressure plasma jet, and large area atmospheric pressure plasma source.
Plasma Diagnostics:
Normal and RF compensated Langmuir probe (Ph.D. Work)
B-dot and E probes (Ph.D. Work)
Post Ph.D.:
Laser Photodetachment, Optical emission spectroscopy (OES), ICCD imaging, optical absorption spectroscopy (OAS), vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (VUVAS), interferometry, substrate temperature measurement, Energy flux on the substrate by Calorimetric probe, etc.
The design and fabrication of vacuum components, RF and microwave components, handling and the design of impedance matching unit, data acquisition system, instrumentation for the plasma diagnostics, etc.
Proficiency in platforms like Matlab, Fortran, HFSS, IDL, AutoCAD, MathCAD, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Office, etc.
Journal Referee:
Applied Physics Letters (AIP), Physics of Plasmas (AIP), Journal of Applied Physics (AIP), AIP Advances (AIP), Plasma Sources Science and Technology (IOP), Plasma Science and Technology (IOP), Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IOP), Material Sciences and Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier), Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS), Green Chemistry (RSC), Surface coating technology (Elsevier), Applied Surface Sciences (Elsevier), Vacuum (Elsevier), RSC advances (RSC), and Nanoscale (RSC).
Development of Plasma processes and functional matrials
Designed and developed plasma based processes for different kinds of materials
Materials developed by:
Energy materials: a-Si, nc-Si, Si-Q dots
Electronic materials: Barrier thin films
Magnetron sputtering
a-Si, nc-Si, TCO (AZO, ITO), Cu, C, a-Si Q dots, LMO for Li Batteries