I am looking forward to industrial partners to taking up projects and collaboration work.
1. Institute Grant:
Project: Development of multi-target magnetron sputtering system for the deposition of transparent
conductive oxide (TCO) materials on flexible substrates
Goal: To develop a multi-purpose experimental system for different applications
Status: Completed
2. SERB-DST Grant:
Project: Investigation of electric fluctuation and plasma generation in a magnetron sputtering source and
their role in the deposition of conductive thin films
Material type: Energy Material
Status: Ongoing
Components of the project :
A. Design and development of advanced magnetron plasma sources for different plasma applications
Control of the plasma densities and energies of the principal plasma species is crucial to induce modification of the plasma reactivity, chemistry, and film properties. It is necessary to understand the plasma generation mechanisms under specific operation conditions to improve the source's capability.
B. Scientific issues
Current and pressure can drive different kinds of waves and instabilities in plasma systems. Many discharge devices have resulted in different pattern formations in the fusion- and cold-laboratory plasmas due to their association with the waves and instabilities. The intended work is relevant to low-temperature plasma systems. The plasma generated in a device is a reasonably good conductor due to its charged species, and the electric field inside the plasma away from the wall is generally small. One can locally increase the electric field in the plasma by decreasing the electron conductivity. In principle, this can be done by applying a magnetic field (B0) in a direction perpendicular to the electron current or the applied electric field (E) oriented from the cathode toward the anode. In particular, the discharges operating with cross E and B0 fields or an E ×B0 configuration have gained considerable attention over the last two decades. The E ×B0 design especially favors the formation of different instabilities leading to electron transport across a magnetic field. Even though the plasma transport across the magnetic field is a vital issue and has drawn considerable attention in the context of tokamak plasmas, analogous studies are also being undertaken concerning E ×B0 instabilities in low-temperature plasmas due to their prospects for numerous applications, in particular, for material processing.
C. Essence of plasma diagnostics
Understanding plasma behavior (along with associated plasma chemistry) is the crucial factor to recognize and improve plasma processes for plasma application. For the mass scale fabrication of these materials, we require the examination of the operation/parameter space, determination of the favorable process conditions and a better understanding of the plasma.
D. Flexible ultra thin transparent conductive oxide material
Process design and synthesis of highly conductive ultra thin TCO films as a flexible conducting electrode.
E. Plasma engineering of nanomaterials
Designing thin films with controlled growth and microstructure is a key issue in modern nanotechnology, impacting both fundamental research and technological applications. The over layer morphology produced by growth on a given surface reflects the local chemical bonding and the balance between the kinetics and thermodynamics of film formation. Recently, non-thermal plasma processes have been shown to be a viable technology for many industrial applications. Different plasma parameters like electrons, ions, radical species and neutrals play a critical role in nucleation and growth and corresponding film microstructure as well as plasma-induced surface chemistry. The film microstructure is also closely associated with deposition energy/flux which is controlled by electrons, ions, radical species and activated neutrals. Further, the integrated studies on the fundamental physical properties that govern the plasmas seek to determine their surface structure and modification capabilities under specific experimental conditions. The detailed study requires identification, determination, and quantification of the surface activity of the species in the plasma.
3. Industry Support (Ongoing)
Study and development of plasma device for healthcare applications.
Status: Ongoing
More External grants: I am trying to get some more funds for other activities.
4. Simulation based design and under development of a capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) system for customized applications (ongoing) like PECVD
Understanding plasma source and its associated plasma behavior and plasma chemistry are the crucial factors to recognize and improve plasma processes for plasma application. For the mass scale fabrication of these materials, we require the examination of the operation/parameter space, determination of the favorable process conditions and a better understanding of the plasma.
Simulation study of a CCP system has been initiated, and the results will be used for the development of the experimental system.
Looking for Industry support for this work.
5. Simulation studies and development of an atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) JET system based on the results of simulation (ongoing)
Plasma is an ionized state of matter consisting of electrons, ions, neutrals, free radicals, and radiation, including UV light. Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas (APPs) have shown the potential for numerous applications. APPs, due to their capabilities to produce highly activated species and reactive chemistries, have been studied for their use in different areas apart from surface treatment and sterilization. Considerable theoretical and experimental studies are going on to understand the mechanism of plasma generation, formation of radicals and species, and the plasma chemistry in such plasmas.
Simulation study of a CCP system has been initiated, and the results will be used for the development of the experimental system.
Looking forward to industrial and funding partners to take up projects and collaboration.