Awards and Recognitions
5. Member of the International Scientific Committee
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2023, AEPSE 2021)
4. Jan-March 2021, Visiting Faculty: Nagoya University, Japan
3. IOP trusted Reviewer Status: 2020
2. Award: Best faculty award (2010 – 2011) at DCE, Gurgaon, India
1. Society Membership: Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI), Life member since 2007
Professional Experience
Nov. 2020 – present Associate Professor, Department of Energy Science and Engineering (DESE), IIT
Oct. 2019 – Nov. 2020 Designated Professor, Center for Low-Temperature Plasma Sciences, Graduate
School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan
Jan. 2014 – June 2019 Research Professor, Center for Advanced Plasma Surface Technology (CAPST),
School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, SKKU, South Korea
Oct. 2012 – Dec. 2013 Senior Researcher, National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), South Korea
Jan. 2012 – Sept. 2012 Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, DCE, India
Sept. 2009 – Dec. 2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, DCE, India
Sept. 2007 – Sept. 2009 Project Scientist; Plasma Laboratory, IIT, Delhi, India
July 2005 – July 2006 Project Associate; Plasma Laboratory, IIT, Delhi, India
July 2000 – July 2005 Research Scholar, Physics Department, IIT, Delhi, India
(Since Oct. 2019 –Nov. 2020): at Nagoya University, Japan
The work I have undertaken relates to the
(i) Study of the science of plasma sources and optimizing their capability for plasma applications.
(ii) advanced plasma processes for plasma etching and material processing.
(iii) Optical diagnostics developed: OES and Laser Induced Photodetachment
(Since Jan. 2014 –June 2019): at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korea
The work I have undertaken relates to the design and development of
(i) plasma sources and diagnostic tools for basic study of plasma generation, instability, electron heating, etc.
(ii) of advanced plasma processes for their applications in material processing
(iii) electronic, bio- and energy materials using plasma based deposition methods like magnetron sputtering and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), etc. This includes: low-temperature and high rate deposition of Si based thin films (nano-crystalline Si, amorphous Silicon Nitride, and Si quantum dots), Cu thin films, and transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films utilizing novel plasma processes
(iv) small to large area atmospheric pressure plasma source for medicinal and agriculture applications.
(Since Oct. 2012 – Dec. 2013): National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), South Korea
Work profile: The work undertaken relates to the
(i) involvement in the operation and upgrade plan of the two heating systems, e.g., the electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) systems for steady state operation of the tokamak.
(ii) numerical computations using bench mark codes, engineering design of microwave components, study the capability of the heating system for the goal of steady state operation of tokamak, etc.
(Since Sept. 2009 to Sept 2012): Double layer study in helicon discharge at Plasma Lab IIT Delhi
I have conducted experiments on the formation of current-free double layers in helicon plasmas to investigate the acceleration and deceleration mechanism of the charged particle along with the formation of electron beam.
Doctoral work (July 2000-August 2008 at IITD, India)
Experimental and theoretical work on helicon wave plasma sources
The theoretical work focused on the damping and absorption of helicon waves in lossy plasma confined in a conducting cylinder. On the basis of the theory developed, experiments were designed to: (i) determine the mechanism of power absorption at different pressures, magnetic field, etc. (ii) since helicon plasmas necessarily have a high energy electron population required for ionization of the background gas, the mechanism by which such electrons are produced was also investigated. Along with the basic experimental system, my work involved design and fabrication of various RF subsystems, diagnostic probes, and instrumentation for studying RF power absorption and ionization mechanisms in helicon plasmas.
Ph.D. 2008, Major: Plasma Physics, Department of Physics, IIT, Delhi, India
Thesis: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Helicon Wave Plasmas in Conducting Cylindrical Waveguide
Lab: Plasma Lab IIT Delhi
M.Sc. (Physics) [1999], Utkal University
B.Sc. (Physics) [1997], Utkal University