Workshop/Conference Organized as a convener:
1. 1ST Global Forum and International Workshop in Hybrid Mode on Industrial Plasma Processes and Diagnostics 2024 (IPPD 2024), May 09-10, 2024
As Invited Talk/Lecture/Seminar:
18. Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu and Nisha, "Significance of plasma parameters for magnetron plasma processes and the control of film properties",
“AVINASHFEST” International Symposium on Promises and Challenges in Plasma Sciences, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi,
Delhi, India April 29-30, 2024.
17. S. Datta, Nisha, J. G. Han, and B. B. Sahu, "Low and High Frequency Combined Hybrid Plasmas and Their Perspective for Material Processing", 13th Asian-
European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2023), Busan Port International Exhibition & Convention Center (BPEX), Busan in
Korea from November 5 to 9, 2023.
16. B. B. Sahu, " Advanced RF/UHF hybrid plasmas and importance of plasma and radical control for PECVD deposition of Si functional films" 3rd International
Conference on Plasma Theory and Simulations (PTS 2023), 21-23 September 2023, School of Physical Science, JNU, New Delhi (India)".
15. M. Sekine, B. B. Sahu, S. Hattori, T. Tsutsumi, N. Britun, K. Ishikawa, H. Tanaka, T. Gohira, N.Ohno, and M. Hori, "Langmuir probe and Laser Photodetachment
Study of Afterglow Phase in Dual RF Frequency Pulsed Plasma Etching Processes Operated with Synchronized DC bias" [75th Annual Gaseous Electronics
Conference, [ Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, October 03-07, 2022]. Bulletin of the American Physical Society
14. B. B. Sahu, Advanced RF/UHF hybrid plasmas and radical control for depositing Si-based energy films [Physics on Friday programme at Department of
Physics, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University (DDUGU), Gorakhpur, 30th September 2022].
13. B. B. Sahu, M. Sekine, T. Tsutsumi, K. Ishikawa, H. Shogo, H. Tanaka, N. Ohno and M. Hori, “New tunning approach for the development of an RF
compensated Langmuir probe for dual frequency plasmas”[10th Global Plasma Forum, September 08, 2022 at Sakata-Hirata hall, Hybrid workshop, Nagoya
University, Japan]. (Invited Talk)
12. B. B. Sahu, S. H. Kim, and J. G. Han, Effect of electron beam irradiation from a hollow cathode source on the characteristic properties of LiMn2O4 films as an
LIB electrode” [DAE-BRNS International Symposium (hybrid) on Vacuum Science and Technology and its Application in Accelerators (VSTAA-2022)” at DAE
Convention Centre, Mumbai, India, February 16-19, 2022].
11. B. B. Sahu, H. Shogo, T. Tsutsumi, N. Britun, M. Sekine, K. Ishikawa, H. Tanaka, T. Gohira, Y. Ohya, N. Ohno and M. Hori, “Study of Electron Behavior using
Laser Photo detachment and Dual Frequency compensated Langmuir probe in pulsed plasma etching processes” [8th Grobal plasma forum, February 01,
2022 at Center for Low-temperature Plasma Sciences (cLPS), Hybrid conference, Nagoya University, Japan].
10. B. B. Sahu, “Plasma spokes/flares and their role in plasma applications in ExB0 devices like magnetron sputtering” [13th Asian-European International
Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2021), Busan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea, September 26 – 30, 2021].
9. B. B. Sahu, “Synthesis of novel Si functional films by plasma control using advanced RF/UHF hybrid plasmas” [Virtual International Conference on Physical
Sciences (ICPS-2021), 5th - 6th February 2021, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT) Surat, India].
8. B. B. Sahu, “Plasma sources, the importance of plasma diagnostics, and its utility for nanomaterial processing” [Invited Lecture series at Department of
Energy Science and Engineering (DESE), IIT Delhi (29-12-2020 and 01-01-2021)]
7 B. B. Sahu, M. Sekine, T. Tsutsumi, K. Ishikawa, H. Shogo, H. Tanaka, N. Ohno, and M. Hori, “Radio frequency compensated Langmuir probe in dual radio
frequency plasmas with passive tunable filter circuit” [2nd Grobal plasma forum, August 21, 2020 at Center for Low-temperature Plasma Sciences (cLPS), Web
conference, Nagoya University, Japan].
6 B. B. Sahu, “Activities on Plasma Sources, Diagnostics, and Plasma Processing in CAPST South Korea” [International Workshop on Advances in Plasma
Science and Technology for Industry), May 15th – 16th, 2019, Center for Low-temperature Plasma Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan].
5 B. B. Sahu, Y. Y. Yin, J. S. Lee, Jeon G. Han, S. Koga, H. Toyoda, and M. Hori, “Effectiveness of Plasma and Radical Control for Highly Transparent and Wide-
bandgap SiNx:H films prepared by RF/Microwave Dual Frequency PECVD” [The 11th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma
Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2017), September 11-15, 2017, Jeju, South Korea].
4 B. B. Sahu, Jeon G. Han, K. Takeda, M. Hori, “Utility of Plasma Diagnostics for the Radical and Plasma Control for Low-temperature Deposition of Si Thin Films
in Hybrid Plasma Processes” [The 7th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS workshop), June 26th – 29th, 2016, Inuyama, Japan].
3 B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, J. S. Lee, Y. Yin, and J. G. Han, “Characterization of hydrogenated silicon nitride processes by single and dual frequency PECVD” [The 21st
Korea-Japan Workshop on Advanced Plasma Processes and Diagnostics and The Workshop for NU-SKKU Joint Institute for Plasma-Nano Materials, October
2-5, 2015, Osaek Greenyard Hotel, Yangyang, Republic of Korea].
2 B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, and J. G. Han, “Capability of RF/UHF hybrid Plasmas for PECVD Application” [The workshop for next Generation Plasma and Flexible
Materials, October 14-15, 2014, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea].
1 B. B. Sahu, Y. S. Bae, J.H. Jeong, M. Joung, J. G. Kwak, M. Kwon, W. S. Han and I. Rhee, Study on Remote Steering Launcher Development Status for ITER and
its implication to KSTAR [1st UNIST-NFRI Joint Workshop on ECH Physics and Technologies, 19 July, 2013, Ulsan, Korea].
As oral/poster presentation/Accepted in abroad
64. Salini Datta and Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu, “COMSOL 2D Studies on Capacitively Coupled Ar Plasma”[ 10th Plasma Science Society of India-Plasma Scholars
Colloquium (PSSI-PSC 2024), 4-5th July, 2024, IIT Delhi, India].
63. Nisha and Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu, “Time Evolution of Plasma Parameters in DC Magnetron Discharges and Their Relevance for the Development of Thin Film
Process”[ 10th Plasma Science Society of India-Plasma Scholars Colloquium (PSSI-PSC 2024), 4-5th July, 2024, IIT Delhi, India].
62. Aman S. Katariya, Amita Das, and Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu, Diffusive transport of 2-D magnetized dusty plasma” [1ST Global Forum and International Workshop
in Hybrid Mode on Industrial Plasma Processes and Diagnostics 2024 (IPPD 2024), May 09-10, IIT Delhi, India].
61. Salini Datta and Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu, “COMSOL 2D studies on RF capacitively coupled Ar plasma”[1ST Global Forum and International Workshop in Hybrid Mode on Industrial Plasma Processes and Diagnostics 2024 (IPPD 2024), May 09-10, IIT Delhi, India].
60 Nisha and Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu, “A Fluid model-based approach for understanding the plasma parameters dynamics in Magnetron Sputtering System”[1ST Global Forum and International Workshop in Hybrid Mode on Industrial Plasma Processes and Diagnostics 2024 (IPPD 2024), May 09-10, IIT Delhi, India].
59 Nisha, and B. B. Sahu, "Understanding the dynamics of plasma parameters in Magnetron Sputtering System using COMSOL simulation via the fluid
approach" International Symposium on Promises and Challenges in Plasma Sciences, ", “AVINASHFEST” International Symposium on Promises and
Challenges in Plasma Sciences, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India April 29-30, 2024.
58 Salini Datta, J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, "Experimental and COMSOL 1D Studies on Electron Heating in a Capacitively Coupled Ar Plasma" International Symposium
on Promises and Challenges in Plasma Sciences, ", “AVINASHFEST” International Symposium on Promises and Challenges in Plasma Sciences, Department of
Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India April 29-30, 2024.
57 Nisha and B. B. Sahu, " Study on the Evolution of Plasma Parameters in a Magnetron Sputtering System", 38th National Symposium on Plasma Science &
Technology (PLASMA 2023), 04-08 December 2024, UPES, Dehradun, India.
56 Salini Datta, J. G. Han, and B. B. Sahu, " Characterization Studies in a Capacitively Coupled Ar Plasma, "38th National Symposium on Plasma Science &
Technology (PLASMA 2023), 04-08 December 2024, UPES, Dehradun, India.
55 Nisha and B. B. Sahu, "An axis symmetric two-dimensional magnetic field modeling of a magnetron sputtering system", 3rd International Conference on
Plasma Theory and Simulations (PTS 2023), 21-23 September 2023, School of Physical Science, JNU, New Delhi (India)".
54 R. Kumar, S. Datta and B. B. Sahu, "2D COMSOL Multiphysics Simulation of a Capacitively Coupled Plasma (CCPs) Source relevant to experiments", 3rd
International Conference on Plasma Theory and Simulations (PTS 2023), 21-23 September 2023, School of Physical Science, JNU, New Delhi (India)".
53 A. S. Katariya1, A. Das, B. B. Sahu, "Diffusive transport of 2-D magnetized dusty plasma", 3rd International Conference on Plasma Theory and Simulations
(PTS 2023), 21-23 September 2023, School of Physical Science, JNU, New Delhi (India)".
52 R. Kumar, S. Datta and B. B. Sahu, “COMSOL Simulation for the Experimental Study of a Capacitive Coupled Plasma (CCP) Source, Abstract ID –
253” presented in “37th National Symposium on Plasma Science & Technology (PLASMA 2022), December 12-14, 2022. Indian Institute of Technology
Jodhpur, Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI).
51 B. B. Sahu, M. Sekine, T. Tsutsumi, K. Ishikawa, H. Shogo, H. Tanaka, N. Ohno, and M. Hori, “Simple external filter and tuning for operation in dual radio
frequency plasmas using compensated Langmuir probe” [ISPlasma2022/ IC-PLANTS2022 conference, hybrid Symposium, March 6-10, 2022, Nagoya
University, Japan].
50 D. Sung, H. Tak, H. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Lee1, G. Ahn, L. Wen, B. B. Sahu, D. Kim, G. Y. Yeom, “Differences in plasma characteristics and SiO2 etch characteristics by
C6F6/Ar/O2 between ICP and CCP” [The 62nd Winter Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, Favruary 16018, 2022, Gowon-ro, Dunnae-myeon,
Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea].
49 B. B. Sahu, S. Hattori, T. Tsutsumi, N. Britun, M. Sekine, K. Ishikawa, H. Tanaka, T. Gohira, Y. Ohya, N. Ohno and M. Hori, “Measurements of negative ion
density and plasma parameters in Ar/O2/C4F8 etching plasmas by Langmuir probe-assisted laser photodetachment” [ISPlasma2021/ IC-PLANTS2021
conference,Virtual Symposium, March 7-11, 2021, Nagoya University, Japan].
48 S. Hattori, B. B. Sahu, H. Tanaka, T. Tsutsumi, S. Kajita, M. Sekine, M. Hori, N. Ohno, “Time resolved measurements of electron density and temperature by an
electrostatic probe with conditional averaging method in pulsed capacitively coupled plasmas” [The 29th International Toki Conference on Plasma and
Fusion Research (ITC29), October 27-30, 2020. Ceratopia Toki, Toki City, Gifu, Japan].
47 B. B. Sahu, K. Nakane, M. Sekine, T. Tsutsumi, K. Ishikawa, T. Gohira, Y. Ohya, and M. Hori, “Spectroscopy study in dual frequency synchronized pulsed
capacitive discharges with DC bias to determine plasma parameters in Ar/O2/C4F8 etching plasmas” [ISPlasma2020/ IC-PLANTS2020 conference, March 8-
11, 2020, Nagoya University, Japan].
46 J. G. Han, and B. B. Sahu, “Novel design and control of thin film nucleation and growth by 3D magnetic field control in magnetron sputtering” [iPlasmaNano–
X conference, September 15-20th, 2019 at Porec, Croatia].
45 J. G. Han, M. W. Woo, H. R. Kim, and B. B. Sahu, “Comparison of discharge characteristics and performance in large area 3-D confined and planar magnetron
sputtering” [XXXIV ICPIG & ICRP-10, July 14-19, 2019, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan].
44 J. G. Han, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, J. S. Lee, and L. Wen “Crystalline TCO film synthesis by cluster deposition with 3D magnetron sputtering at low temperature”
accepted [ISPlasma2019 / IC-PLANTS2019 conference, March-2019, Japan].
43 J. G. Han,W. Long, B. B. Sahu, B. J. Kim, E. H. Choi, “Crystalline structured ultra thin film synthesis by nano clusters deposition using 3D magnetic confined
magnetron source” [16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 17 - 21, 2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany].
42 J. G. Han, J. S. Lee, and B. B. Sahu “Characteristic of hollow cathode discharge PECVD and its utility for barrier coating on polymer foil” [28th Symposium on
Plasma Physics and Technology, June 18-21, 2018, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic].
41 J. G. Han, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, J. S. Lee, and L. Wen “New horizon of novel plasma and films for next generation flexible devices” [ISPlasma2018 / IC-
PLANTS2018 conference, Japan].
40 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, and L. Wen “Satellite Workshop of ISPlasma, Nagoya University, Japan, March 3, 2018].
39 J. G. Han, H. R. Kim, B. B. Sahu, and P. J. Xiang “Direct synthesis of magnetron sputtered nanostructured Cu films with desired properties via plasma
chemistry for their efficient antibacterial application” [The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Technology and Applications (The 4th IWAPTA
workshop) February 22-23, 2018, IPB International Convention Centre, Bogor. Indonesia].
38 J. G. Han, W. Long, and B. B. Sahu, “New approach for ultra thin TCO film synthesis by nano cluster” [Joint workshop Sungkyunkwan University, Korea and
Kyushu University, Japan (SKKU-Kyushu workshop 2018), January 15, 2018, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan].
37 J. G. Han, L. Wen, S. B. Jin, and B. B. Sahu “High conductivity ITO film synthesis by cluster particle deposition in magnetron sputtering” [TACT2017
International Thin Films Conference October 15–18, 2017, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan].
36 H. R. Kim, J. X. Piao, S. Y. Yoon, B. B. Sahu and J. G. Han, “Plasma Controlled Antibacterial Nanostructured Copper Coatings Prepared by pulsed DC Magnetron
Sputtering” [The 11th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2017), September 11-15, 2017, Jeju,
South Korea].
35 L.Wen, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, J.-G. Han, “Ultra-Thin Transparent ITO Films Prepared by Advanced 3D Confined Magnetron Sputtering” [The 11th Anniversary
Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2017), September 11-15, 2017, Jeju, South Korea].
34 Jun S. Lee, B. B. Sahu, Su B. Jin, and J. G. Han, “Efficient Barrier Performance of Flexible Silicon Nitride film” [The 11th Anniversary Asian-European
International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2017), September 11-15, 2017, Jeju, South Korea].
33 S. B. Jin, P. J. Xiang, B. B. Sahu, J. G. Han, “Fabrication of carbon thin films for highly conductivity and bio application by control of crystalline-orientation and
surface chemistry” [The 11th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2017), September 11-15, 2017,
Jeju, South Korea].
32 J. G. Han and B. B. Sahu, “High rate synthesis of self assembled Si quantum dots using radical and plasma control in RF/UHF high density plasmas at low
temperature“[The 8th Symposium on Functional Coatings And Surface Engineering (FCSE), June 4-7, 2017, Montreal QUEBEC, Canada].
31 J. G. Han and B. B. Sahu, Y. Yin, J. S. Lee, and M. Hori, “Radicals and energy control for Si quantum dot nanostructures,“[European Materials Research Society
(E-MRS) Spring Meeting 2017, May 22-26, Strasbourg Convention Center, France].
30 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, Y. Yin, S. B. Jin, J. S. Lee, K. Ishikawa and M. Hori, “Rapid synthesis of Si quantum dot thin films using RF/UHF high density plasmas by
radical control at low temperature“ [9th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/10th
International Conference on Plasma-Nano technology and Science, ISPlasma 2017/IC-PLANTS 2017, March 1-5, 2017, Chubu University, Japan].
29 J. S. Lee, W. Long, B. B. Sahu, S. B. Jin, M. Hori and J. G. Han, “Effect of plasma chemistry on the characteristic properties of SiNx barrier thin films deposited at
low-temperature“[9th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/10th International
Conference on Plasma-Nano technology and Science, ISPlasma 2017/IC-PLANTS 2017, March 1-5, 2017, Chubu University, Japan].
28 B. B. Sahu, J. G. Han, Y. Yin, J. S. Lee, S. B. Jin, and M. Hori, “Characterization of a moderate-sized multi-electrodes atmospheric pressure plasma jet aiming
plasma applications“ [The 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Technology and Applications-Agriculture And Bio-Technology by Plasma, January
11-14, 2017, Nong Lam University, Hochiminh City, Vietnam].
27 Y. Yin, B. B. Sahu, J. S. Lee, J. G. Han, H. Kersten, M. Hori, “Self Assembled Si quantum dot thin film deposition using hybrid plasma CVD at low-temperature”
[6th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology, September 26-29, 2016, Gyeongju, Korea].
26 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, and Su B. Jin, “Energy Deposition Modeling and Design of Plasmas Processes for Synthesis of Nano-structured film materials” [20th
International Vacuum Congress (IVC-20), August 21-26, 2016, Bexco, Busan, Korea].
25 J. S. Lee, B. B. Sahu, Y. Y. Yin, Su B. Jin, J. G. Han and M. Hori, “Effect of plasma properties on characteristics of silicon nitride film deposited by PECVD process
at low temperature” [20th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-20), August 21-26, 2016, Bexco, Busan, Korea].
24 Jeon G. Han and B. B. Sahu “Synthesis of novel functional films by control of electron temperature and density with RF to UHF hybrid plasma” [27th
Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, June 20-23, 2016, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic].
23 B. B. Sahu, Y. Y. Yin, J. S. Lee and J. G. Han, “Low-temperature synthesis of self-assembled nc-Si/a-SiNx: H quantum dot thin films using high density plasmas
by PECVD methods” [The 9th International Conference on Quantum Dots, May 22-27, 2016, Ramada Hotel, Jeju, Korea].
22 B. B. Sahu, J. G. Han, Y. Y. Yin, J. S. Lee, T. Tsutsumi, K. Ishikawa and M. Hori, “Low-temperature PECVD process of silicon nitride film with radical and plasma
diagnostics” [8th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/9th International Conference
on Plasma-Nano technology and Science, ISPlasma 2016/IC-PLANTS 2016, March 6-10, 2016, Nagoya University, Japan].
21 Y. Y. Yin, B. B. Sahu, J. S. Lee, H. R. Kim and J. G. Han, “Low-temperature synthesis of nc-Si/a-SiNx:H quantum dot thin films using RF/UHF high density PECVD
plasmas” [The 50th Winter Annual Conference of the Korean Vacuum Society, February 18-19, 2016, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea].
20 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, and M. Kumar, “New trend of plasma processes for functional materials at CAPST” [The 19th International Conference on
Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB-19), November 22-27, 2015, Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand].
19 K. S. Shin, B. B. Sahu, J. S. Lee, Y. Yin, and J. G. Han, “Low temperature deposition of the SiNx: H film in dual frequency PECVD process with radical and plasma
control” [14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2015, October 25-29, 2015,
Jeju, South Korea)
18 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, T. Tsutsumi, and M. Hori, “Role of RF/UHF hybrid plasmas on the low temperature deposition of the SiNx: H film in PECVD
process” [The 10th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2015), September 20-24, 2015, Jeju, South
17 M. Kumar, W. Long, B. B. Sahu, and J. G. Han, “Micro-structural, surface and electronic properties of Al doped ZnO films prepared in High Density DC
Magnetron Plasmas” [The 10th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2015), September 20-24, 2015,
Jeju, South Korea].
16 J. S. Lee, K. S. Shin, B. B. Sahu and J. G. Han, “Synthesis of silicon nitride-like thin films deposited by VHF (40.68MHz) PECVD for gas barrier application” [The
10th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2015), September 20-24, 2015, Jeju, South Korea].
15 J. X. Piao, J. S. Lee, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, M. Kumar, J. G. Han, “Effect of pulsed DC frequency and power density on electrical property of conductive carbon
films synthesis by magnetron sputtering” [The 13th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP2015), July 08-10, 2015, Kyoto Research
park, Kyoto, Japan].
14 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, K. Ishikawa and M. Hori, “Novel Transparent Silicon Nitride Film synthesis at Room Temperature by Radical and Plasma
Control with RF/UHF Hybrid plasma processes” [42nd ICMCTF International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 20 - 24, 2015, San
Diego, CA, USA].
13 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, K. Takeda and M. Hori, “Novel plasma diagnostic approach for the PECVD synthesis of high rate hydrogenated nanocrystalline
Si using RF/UHF hybrid plasmas” [7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/8th
International Conference on Plasma-Nano technology and Science, ISPlasma 2015/IC-PLANTS 2015, March 26-31, 2015, Nagoya University, Japan].
12 J. G. Han, B. B. Sahu, K. S. Shin, K. Ishikawa, M. Hori "Systematic Diagnostic Approach for Fabricating High Quality SiNx:H Film using UHF Assisted Capacitively
Coupled Plasma Source" [AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition, November 9-14, 2014, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, USA]
11 J. G. Han, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, J. B. Kim, K. Takeda and M. Hori "Synthesis of AZO Film on Polymer by Nano-Process Control with Confined Magnetic Field
Sputtering" [AVS 61st International Symposium & Exhibition, Nov. 9 - 14, 2014, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, USA]
10 J. S. Lee, J. B. Kim, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, J. G. Han, H. Kondo and M. Hori, “Diagnostic studies for synthesis of Al doped ZnO film by magnetron sputtering” [14th
International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 15 - 19, 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany]
9 S. I. Kim, B. B Sahu, B. M. Weon, J. G. Han, J. Koskinen, S. Fransila, “Synthesis of porous nano crystalline carbon film by control of plasma density of
magnetron sputtering” [14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 15 - 19, 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany].
8 J. B. Kim, S. B. Jin, B. B. Sahu, M. Hori, J. G. Han, “Advanced transparent conductive Al doped ZnO film deposition using ICP assisted facing target sputtering”
[International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology, July 8 – 11, 2014, Gunsan Saemangeum Convention center, GunsanKorea].
Fusion plasmas:
7 B. B. Sahu and Y. S. Bae, Lower Hybrid Wave Plasma Production in Cylindrical Waveguides Relevant to Tokamak Plasmas [KSTAR Conference 2013, 26 -27
February, 2013 at Lotte BuyeoResort, Chungnam, Korea].
6 B. B. Sahu, Y. S. Bae, J.H. Jeong, M. Joung, J. G. Kwak, W. S. Han and I. Rhee, “ECCD Performance Analysis of future KSTAR ECH systems for Extended
Applications” [APFA Conference 5-8 Nov 2013, Korea].
5 J. H. Jeong, Y. S. Bae, D. H. Kim, T. Goodman, O Sauter, B. B. Sahu, M. Joung, J. H. Kim, H. L. Yang, J. G. Kwak, M. Kwon, W. Namkung, H. Park and M. H. Cho,
Preliminary results of sawtooth control using the ECH in KSTAR [APFA Conference 5-8 Nov 2013, Korea].
4 J. H. Jeong, Y. S. Bae, M. Joung, B. B. Sahu, M. H. Woo, S. H. Hahn, K. D. Lee, J. H. Kim, H. H. Lee, H. L. Yang, J. G. Kwak, M. Kwon, W. Namkung, H. Park, and M.
H. Cho, Plan for the sawtooth control by the ECH in KSTAR [A3 Foresight Program Workshop on Critical Physics Issues Specific to Steady State Sustainment
of High-Performance Plasmas, 19-24 May, 2013, Beijing, China].
3 M. Joung, J. H. Jeong, B. B. Sahu, M. H. Woo, Y. S. Bae, and R. Prater, Analysis Study of EC Beam Deposition Position in KSTAR [APFA Conference 5-8 Nov 2013,
Basic plasma sources
2 A. Ganguli, B.B. Sahu and R.D. Tarey, A New Structure for RF Compensated Langmuir probes with External Filters Tunable in Absence of Plasma [6th
International Conference of Asia Plasma and Fusion Association (APFA), 3rd - 5th December 2007 at IPR, Gandhinagar, Gujrat, India].
1 A. Ganguli, B. B. Sahu and R. D. Tarey, Evidence of Landau damping in low pressure helicon discharges [PSSI-2007, 06-09 December, 2007, National
conference at Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India].